



  • 医院干净安全吗?

    MG冰球突破官网的医院既干净又安全——就像它一直以来一样! One of the core elements of properly managing infectious diseases is the cleanliness of our physical facility.

  • Do you have the supplies and capacity to accommodate my procedure?

    Our clinical teams will conduct twice daily "go/no-go" meetings in which they will review crucial supplies such as PPE, 药物, 血, space and staffing to ensure that we have enough to comfortably care for those undergoing elective/non-urgent procedures AND accommodate our normal emergency care and potential COVID-19 patients.

    MG冰球突破官网的日程安排没有排满. Out of an abundance of caution and with the conservation of supplies in mind, MG冰球突破官网不会马上安排一个完整的日程. Should things continue to progress positively, we'll increase our capacity on a week-by-week basis. 这是为了你我的安全.

    截至7月11日, Bolivar Medical Center is following an executive order issued by the State Department of Health requiring that all elective and non-urgent procedures that require hospitalization and can be safely rescheduled be postponed. The executive order is intended to help ensure hospital bed availability for COVID-19 patients as Bolivar County experiences an increase in COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations.

  • Do you have enough staff to resume elective/non-urgent procedures?

    Our team regularly monitors staffing levels to ensure a safe environment for all patients, 供应商和雇员. 此外,MG冰球突破官网每天对所有员工进行COVID-19症状筛查. We are confident that we have the appropriate staff and providers to resume elective and non-urgent procedures while also accommodating our normal emergency care and potential COVID-19 patients.

  • 我的经历会和过去一样吗?

    Your experience in our facility may look a little different than in the past, but this is because we have new processes and procedures in place to further protect your health during the COVID-19 pandemic.

  • 在手术过程中我应该期待些什么?

    到达设施后, you will be asked the same standard screening questions and provided with a cloth mask (if you do not already have one). If you have your own mask or bandana to cover your mouth and nose, you can wear that.

    We continue to operate under a zero-visitor protocol out of an abundance of caution, so your family member/spouse/friend/caregiver will not be permitted to enter the hospital. We will gather their contact information so we can follow up with them to provide an update after your procedure and share instructions for pick up at the same location.

    You may never see another patient while you are here, and that is intentional for now. We are currently trying to minimize overlap in an effort to promote social distancing, 节约资源, 保护MG冰球突破官网所有病人和员工的安全.

    You are going to be asked COVID-19 screening questions multiple times by multiple people, 直到你接受手术. 你可能会厌倦这些问题, 但MG冰球突破官网向你保证,这是为了你的健康和安全, 还有MG冰球突破官网的员工.

    You may never see the faces of your care team members under their protective equipment. MG冰球突破官网对此感到遗憾, as the personal connections we have with our patients and community are what keep us going. However, this is an important precaution we are taking to protect you and our clinical staff.

  • 在放映过程中会被问到什么问题?

    The questions are part of our standard COVID-19 screening process and include asking if you have....

    • 发热
    • 咳嗽 
    • 呼吸急促(气促)
    • 发冷
    • 反复颤抖,浑身发冷
    • 肌肉疼痛
    • 头疼
    • 喉咙痛
    • 味觉或嗅觉新丧失

    Whenever you are asked, please answer these screening questions honestly. If your procedure has to be postponed, it will be just that: postponed. It does NOT mean it will be canceled, and we will work with you to reschedule as soon as possible.

  • 我该如何准备手术呢?

    如果你正在做外科手术, you will be asked to practice "safer at home" behaviors for seven (7) days to minimize potential exposure prior to your procedure. This means going a step further from social distancing -- trying only to leave your home for critical needs such as groceries or going to the pharmacy. If you need to leave for an essential purpose, you must wear a mask. You also will be asked to check your temperature twice a day during this seven-day period and report any result above 100°F to your provider. Finally, you will be tested for COVID-19 prior to your procedure as an additional precaution.

    If you are having an imaging procedure, you will be screened and masked, but not tested for COVID-19.

  • 我会接受COVID-19检测吗?

    如果你正在做外科手术, you will be tested for COVID-19 prior to your procedure. 您的供应商将为测试下订单, 医院会通知你安排时间的. 如果你的测试结果是阳性的, 你的手术将延期, 你会得到有关护理的指示. If you are having an imaging procedure, you will be screened and masked, but not tested for COVID-19.

  • Can my family member/spouse/friend/caregiver come with me to the facility?

    如果你有家人/配偶/朋友/看护者陪同, 他/她将不允许进入医院. We are still operating under our zero-visitor protocol out of an abundance of caution. 当你到达时, 你要么停车,然后从急诊科进去, or be dropped off by your family member/spouse/friend/caregiver at the emergency department entrance, 他们会留在车里的什么地方. We will gather their contact information so we can follow up with them to provide an update after your procedure and share instructions for pick up at the same location.

  • 当我到达我的程序发生了什么?

    当你到达设施的时候, you will be asked the same standard screening questions and provided with a cloth mask (if you do not already have one). If you have your own mask or bandana to cover your mouth and nose, you can wear that.

  • 我是否会在COVID-19患者附近接受治疗?

    We are not performing elective/non-urgent procedures on COVID-19 positive patients at this time.

    所有传染病检测呈阳性的病人, 包括COVID-19, are isolated for treatment in accordance with Mississippi Department of Health and CDC guidelines. Our hospital has a dedicated isolation unit/wing for treatment of patients under investigation (PUIs) and patients who have tested positive for COVID-19.

  • If I have additional questions about my procedure, who should I contact?
